Are Staghorn Ferns Toxic to Cats? – Fact Check for Cat Owners

Fauzi Syahrial


are staghorn ferns toxic to cats

Are you a proud pet owner considering adding a staghorn fern to your home? Before you do, it’s important to understand the potential risks it may pose to your feline friend.

In this fact-check article, we will delve into the question: ‘Are staghorn ferns toxic to cats?’ Armed with accurate information, you will be able to make an informed decision about whether or not this unique plant is suitable for your household.

Are Staghorn Ferns Toxic to Cats?

The answer isnโ€™t completely straightforward when it comes to staghorn fern toxicity for cats. According to the ASPCA, some types of ferns like Boston fern, birds nest fern, staghorn fern, and rabbits foot fern are considered safe for felines. However, they caution that eating large amounts could still cause gastrointestinal upset.

Other varieties of ferns may contain compounds that can cause more severe issues if ingested by cats. So while the staghorn fern itself is not toxic, other similar looking plants could pose a bigger risk. When in doubt, itโ€™s best to consult your vet.

How Ferns Can Be Harmful to Cats

For ferns that are toxic, most contain a compound called sapogenin. This steroid-like chemical can cause problems with both the nervous system and heart function in cats. And because kitties are more sensitive to toxins than people, they may experience vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, or other concerning symptoms after ingesting certain ferns.

Read:  Outdoor Asparagus Fern Care: Expert Tips for a Thriving Plant

Cats can also have allergic reactions to some plants, even if they are not known to be poisonous. So any unusual behaviors like lip smacking, pawing at the mouth, vomiting, or GI issues after nibbling on a fern should be checked by your veterinarian. Timely treatment is critical, even if you just suspect your cat ate something toxic.

are staghorn ferns toxic to cats_

Signs Your Cat May Have Eaten a Toxic Fern

Knowing the signs of plant poisoning can help you act fast if your cat starts showing symptoms:

  • Vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling
  • Strange behaviors like lip smacking or head shaking
  • Refusing food or lack of appetite
  • Increased thirst or urination
  • Hiding or vocalizing excessively
  • Collapsing or losing balance

Any unexplained changes could signal your cat ate something harmful. So if you notice diarrhea, vomiting, drooling or unusual behaviors after exposure to a fern, donโ€™t take a wait-and-see approach. Get veterinary help right away to improve chances of recovery and prevent serious complications.

What to Do If Your Cat Eats a Toxic Fern

If you catch your cat nibbling on or ingesting any part of a fern, take these steps:

  • Contact your vet or an emergency animal hospital immediately. The sooner treatment begins, the better the prognosis.
  • Only induce vomiting if instructed to do so by your veterinarian. There is a proper way to do this using hydrogen peroxide or salt water.
  • Provide easy access to fresh water and your cat’s litter box. Watch for normal urination and bowel movements.
  • Monitor closely for any symptoms or behavioral changes in the 24 hours following ingestion. Your vet will advise if they need to see your cat based on any concerns.
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Getting prompt veterinary attention provides the best chance of recovery and prevents lasting harm, especially with early treatment.

Can Cats Recover from Fern Poisoning?

With quick veterinary treatment, the prognosis for fern poisoning can be excellent in most cases. While any ingestion of a toxic plant is concerning, cats are resilient animals that can bounce back if the toxicity is caught early.

The key is contacting your vet at the first sign of symptoms before the effects get worse. As long as your cat survives the initial 24 hours after eating a toxic fern and receives supportive care, their chances of a full recovery are very good.

Preventing Cats from Eating Ferns

Stopping the problem before it starts is the best approach. Here are some tips to keep your cat away from tempting ferns:

  • Place any house ferns well out of reach of curious cats. Keep on high shelves or hang from the ceiling.
  • Provide a cat-safe alternative like wheatgrass or catnip plants so they have an approved green to munch.
  • Use bitter apple sprays or cat repellent products to deter nibbling on fern fronds. Check that ingredients are pet-safe first.
  • Keep cats away from ferns outdoors using fencing, catios, leashes or by supervision when outside.

While staghorn ferns are not toxic to cats directly, itโ€™s smart to discourage nibbling on any plant without knowing if itโ€™s cat-safe or not. Removing access prevents concerning symptoms and keeps your kitty happy and healthy.


While staghorn ferns are not poisonous to cats, many other fern varieties can be very toxic if ingested, causing vomiting, diarrhea, and even death in some cases. As a cat owner, it’s important to research any plants and ferns you bring into your home to ensure they are feline-friendly.

Read:  Grow Lush Asparagus Fern Seeds: Easy Care & Beautiful!

If your cat happens to eat part of a toxic fern, immediate veterinary treatment is essential to protect their health and possibly save their life. Keeping plants safely out of reach of curious cats is the best way to avoid any concerns with plant toxicity from ferns.


What types of ferns are toxic to cats?

Many varieties of ferns contain compounds that can harm cats, including asparagus fern, austral gem fern, emersed cryptanthus or earth stars, and plumosa fern. Consult reputable lists like the ASPCAโ€™s to identify cat-toxic ferns. When in doubt, keep ferns inaccessible to cats or choose known cat-safe varieties.

How much of a toxic fern does a cat have to eat to get sick?

Just a small amount of certain toxic ferns can make a cat ill. Cats are very sensitive to plant toxins, so ingesting even a bite or two of leaves, stems or roots of poisonous ferns could cause vomiting, drooling, GI issues or lethargy. Safe ferns are okay in moderation, but it’s best to prevent any snacking on unknown or potentially toxic plants.

What are the symptoms of fern poisoning in cats?

Fern poisoning can cause drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, dilated pupils, low body temperature, fast breathing and heart rate, tremors, seizures, and collapse. Look for any signs of distress like pawing at the mouth, head shaking, vocalizing or hiding which can also indicate plant toxicity. If a cat may have ingested a toxic fern, call your vet right away.

What do I do if my cat eats a staghorn fern?

Staghorn ferns themselves are not toxic, but closely monitor your cat if they eat any amount. Watch for vomiting, diarrhea or other concerning symptoms and contact your veterinarian if you have any concerns. They can advise if your cat needs to be seen based on the ingestion. Never give any medication or induce vomiting without vet approval first.

Are rabbits foot ferns toxic to cats?

No, rabbits foot ferns are non-toxic for cats according to the ASPCA. However, ingesting large amounts could potentially cause upset stomach. Use caution and monitor your cat closely if they snack on this fern, watching for any vomiting, drooling or behavior changes just to be safe. Limit access if possible.

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