Home » 25 Best Houseplants for Bathrooms Without Windows – Thrive in Low Light!
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25 Best Houseplants for Bathrooms Without Windows – Thrive in Low Light!

If you have a bathroom without windows, you might think that plants won’t thrive in such a space. But fear not! There are plenty of houseplants that can thrive in low light conditions and add a touch of greenery to your bathroom decor. In fact, some plants actually do better without direct sunlight.

Houseplants not only brighten up your bathroom but also serve as air purifiers and can help reduce indoor air pollutants. Plants are known to improve overall well-being and promote relaxation too.

Let us guide you through the best houseplants for bathrooms without windows that can survive and even thrive in low light conditions.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are plenty of houseplants that can thrive in low light conditions.
  • Houseplants can serve as air purifiers and reduce indoor air pollutants.
  • Plants can improve overall well-being and promote relaxation.

Why Choose Houseplants for Bathrooms Without Windows?

If you’re like us, you love incorporating greenery in your home. Houseplants are not only visually appealing, but they can also provide several benefits for us and our environment. Adding plants to your windowless bathroom can help purify the air, reduce stress, and improve your mental health.

Did you know that certain plants can also thrive in low light and humid environments, making them the perfect addition to your bathroom without windows? Plus, they can add a pop of color and texture to your decor, making your bathroom feel more vibrant and inviting.

In this article, we’ll share with you our top picks for the best houseplants that can thrive in your bathroom without windows. We’ll also provide tips on how to care for them and creative ways to display them in your bathroom. Let’s get started!

Factors to Consider When Selecting Bathroom Plants

When choosing plants for your bathroom, there are several factors to consider to ensure that your plants thrive in the low-light and often humid environment of a windowless bathroom.

Light Requirements

One of the most important factors to consider is the amount of light your bathroom receives. While most plants prefer bright, direct sunlight, there are several low-light options that can survive in darker environments. Be sure to select plants that can handle the low light conditions in your bathroom to avoid disappointment.

Humidity and Temperature

Bathrooms are often humid and can vary in temperature, factors that can impact the health of your plants. When selecting plants, choose ones that can handle higher levels of moisture and fluctuations in temperature.

Size and Space

Consider the size of your bathroom and the space available for your plants. Hanging plants and compact varieties can be great options for smaller spaces, while larger plants can make a statement in larger bathrooms.


Finally, consider the level of maintenance required for each plant. Some plants require frequent watering and pruning, while others are low maintenance and can survive with minimal care. Choose plants that fit your lifestyle and schedule to ensure they thrive in your bathroom.

Top 5 Low Light Houseplants for Windowless Bathrooms

When selecting houseplants for your windowless bathroom, you want to consider plants that can thrive in low light, high humidity, and possibly with occasional splashes of water. Here are the top 5 low light houseplants that can flourish in such conditions:

  1. Snake Plant: Known for its air purifying qualities, the snake plant does not require much light or water and can tolerate high humidity, making it an ideal plant for your bathroom. Plus, its long, tall leaves will add a touch of elegance to any space.
  2. ZZ Plant: Another low-maintenance plant that can survive in low light and high humidity, the ZZ plant has glossy leaves that can brighten up even the darkest bathroom. Plus, it is known for its air-purifying qualities and ability to remove pollutants from the air.
  3. Peace Lily: This elegant plant produces lovely white blooms and can thrive well in low light. Although it enjoys humidity, you should avoid overwatering it, as this can lead to root rot.
  4. Spider Plant: With its bright green leaves and long stems, the spider plant adds a pop of color to any bathroom. It can survive in low light and high humidity and is known for its ability to remove pollutants from the air.
  5. Chinese Evergreen: This classic plant is appreciated for its hardiness, low light tolerance, and air-purifying qualities. Its variegated leaves come in various shades of green, silver, and gray, making it a decorative addition to any bathroom.
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These low light houseplants can not only survive but thrive in your windowless bathroom, adding a touch of greenery and life to your space. When selecting a plant for your bathroom, it’s crucial to take into account its specific needs and the environment it will be living in.

5 Air-Purifying Plants Perfect for Bathroom Environments

Aside from adding a touch of beauty to your bathroom, houseplants can also help purify the air in the space. Here are five air-purifying plants that thrive well in windowless bathrooms:

  1. Peace Lily: Known for its elegant white flowers, the peace lily is great at filtering out toxins such as mold spores, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air.
  2. Boston Fern: The Boston fern is an excellent plant for removing pollutants such as formaldehyde and xylene from the air. It also adds a lush, tropical vibe to your bathroom.
  3. Spider Plant: One of the easiest houseplants to care for, the spider plant is perfect for bathrooms without windows. It filters out harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and xylene and can even help regulate humidity levels.
  4. Dracaena: This plant comes in various shapes and sizes, making it a versatile option for any bathroom. It effectively filters out pollutants such as benzene, xylene, and trichloroethylene, keeping the air in your bathroom fresh and clean.
  5. Aloe Vera: Not just great for soothing sunburns, aloe vera is also an excellent air-purifying plant for bathrooms. It removes harmful toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene from the air and thrives well in low light conditions.

Adding one or more of these air-purifying plants to your bathroom not only adds a touch of green to the space but also helps promote a healthier environment.

5 Hanging Plants to Add Extra Greenery to Your Windowless Bathroom

If you want to add an extra touch of greenery to your bathroom without windows, consider hanging plants. These will not only brighten up the space but also create a visual impact by adding a unique dimension to your bathroom decor. Here are five hanging plants that can thrive in low light environments:

  1. Pothos: This trailing plant is an easy-to-grow option that is perfect for a bathroom with minimal light. It can survive in a wide range of temperatures, as well as in low humidity levels. The variegated leaves of the Pothos can add a splash of color to your bathroom.
  2. Spider Plant: This classic houseplant is a natural air purifier and can grow without much light. It can even survive in artificial light if need be. The Spider Plant’s long, slender leaves can give your bathroom a modern touch.
  3. String of Pearls: This succulent has long, delicate tendrils that resemble a string of pearls. It can be hung from a ceiling-mounted planter or placed on a high shelf. The String of Pearls is a great conversation starter and adds an element of quirkiness to your bathroom.
  4. String of Hearts: This trailing plant has heart-shaped leaves that hang gracefully from long stems. It can thrive in indirect sunlight and won’t require much water. The String of Hearts makes for a beautiful addition to any bathroom space.
  5. Staghorn Fern: This exotic looking plant is a great way to add some visual interest to your bathroom. The Staghorn Fern can be mounted on a wooden board or hung in a basket. It requires indirect light, moderate humidity levels, and needs to be watered once a week.

Whichever hanging plant you choose, make sure to hang it within reach so that you can easily water and care for it. You can also mix and match different types of hanging plants to create a unique design statement in your bathroom.

READ:  Staghorn Fern Varieties: Choosing The Perfect One For Your Space

5 Succulents and Cacti for Low Light Bathroom Spaces

If you’re looking for houseplants that are easy to care for and can thrive in low light conditions, succulents and cacti are perfect for your windowless bathroom.

1. Snake Plant

This plant is also known as “mother-in-law’s tongue” and is a great addition to any bathroom. It can survive in low light environments and doesn’t require much water. Plus, it’s great at filtering toxins from the air.

2. Christmas Cactus

Despite its name, this cactus doesn’t need bright sunlight to thrive. It can bloom beautiful flowers in the winter and requires minimal care.

3. Haworthia

This plant has small, succulent leaves and doesn’t require a lot of water or light. It’s a great option for adding some greenery to your bathroom shelves or windowsill.

4. Jade Plant

The jade plant is a popular choice for those looking for succulent options that require little maintenance. It can survive in low light conditions and doesn’t need frequent watering.

5. Zebra Cactus

This small cactus has unique striped patterning and can survive in low light conditions. It’s perfect for adding some texture and interest to your bathroom decor.

When selecting succulents and cacti for your windowless bathroom, make sure to choose varieties that can thrive in low light environments and don’t require frequent watering. Remember to let the soil dry out completely before watering again and avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.

5 Moisture-Loving Plants That Thrive in Bathrooms

Bathrooms are typically more humid than other rooms in the house due to the use of hot water and steam. These conditions can promote mold growth, but they also create an ideal environment for certain plants that thrive in moist conditions. Here are five moisture-loving plants that will flourish in your windowless bathroom:

  1. Boston Fern: Known for its graceful, arching fronds, the Boston fern is a classic choice for adding greenery to your bathroom. It loves high humidity and indirect light, making it perfect for bathrooms without windows. Be sure to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  2. Spider Plant: With its long, slender leaves and tiny white flowers, the spider plant is a versatile and low-maintenance choice for any bathroom. It’s also a natural air purifier, helping to remove harmful toxins from the air. Keep the soil slightly moist and give it bright, indirect light.
  3. Aloe Vera: Not just a plant for sunburn relief, aloe vera is also a great choice for humid bathrooms without windows. It prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Plus, its gel-filled leaves are perfect for soothing skin irritations.
  4. Peace Lily: The peace lily is a striking plant with glossy leaves and white flowers that thrive in damp conditions. It prefers low to medium light and needs to be kept consistently moist, but not waterlogged. It also helps to purify the air, making it a great addition to any bathroom.
  5. Chinese Evergreen: This hardy plant is perfect for beginners and thrives in low to medium light and high humidity. Its variegated leaves come in a variety of colors and patterns and it’s known for its ability to purify the air. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged and avoid direct sunlight.

No matter which moisture-loving plant you choose for your bathroom, be sure to keep it out of direct sunlight and avoid overwatering. With the right care, these plants will add a touch of natural beauty to your windowless bathroom and thrive in the humid conditions.

5 Low Maintenance Houseplants for Busy Bathroom Owners

Are you a busy bathroom owner looking to add some greenery to your space without adding more to your to-do list? Look no further than these low maintenance houseplants that can thrive in windowless bathrooms:

  1. Snake Plant – This hardy plant can withstand low light and infrequent watering. Plus, it’s a great air purifier.
  2. Lucky Bamboo – Despite its name, this plant isn’t actually bamboo, but it does require minimal care. Just keep its roots submerged in water and give it indirect light.
  3. ZZ Plant – Another low-maintenance option for low light environments, the ZZ plant can survive long periods without water and can even tolerate neglect.
  4. Spider Plant – This plant produces offshoots that can be propagated into new plants, making it an easy way to expand your greenery. It also thrives in low to moderate light and only needs watering once a week.
  5. Pothos – This vine plant can be grown in water or soil and can handle low light and irregular watering. Plus, it adds a touch of trailing greenery to your bathroom.
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With these low maintenance houseplants, you can enjoy the benefits of greenery without adding stress to your busy life. Just be sure to give them the occasional water and watch them thrive in your windowless bathroom.

Tips for Caring for Houseplants in Windowless Bathrooms

While selecting the perfect houseplant is important, proper care and maintenance is essential for their survival in a windowless bathroom. Here are some tips for nurturing your new greenery:

  1. Watering: Ensure you don’t overwater your plants. Most bathroom plants thrive in damp soil, but standing water can lead to root rot. Water them only when the top inch of soil is dry.
  2. Light: Even though these plants need low light, they still require some form of bright light. Place them near artificial light sources or skylights. If the leaves start to yellow, it may be a sign they need more light.
  3. Humidity: Bathrooms tend to have higher humidity than other rooms in the house, which makes it an ideal environment for many plants. Invest in a humidifier or place a tray of water near your plants to mimic this environment.
  4. Cleaning: Dust your plants regularly to remove any debris that may hinder their growth. Wiping their leaves with a damp cloth also improves their appearance and prevents pests.
  5. Temperature: Most houseplants prefer temperatures between 60-75°F. Ensure temperatures in your bathroom don’t drop below 50°F, as this can damage your plants.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure your bathroom plants thrive and add a touch of nature to your space.

Creative Plant Display Ideas for Bathroom Decor

Now that you’ve selected the perfect houseplants for your windowless bathroom, it’s time to showcase them in a way that enhances the overall decor. Here are a few creative display ideas to transform your bathroom into a green oasis:

1. Wall-Mounted Planters

If you’re short on counter or floor space, consider installing wall-mounted planters. These can be as simple as hanging a few small potted plants on hooks, or as elaborate as installing a vertical planter on your wall. Not only do they save space, but they also add a unique visual element to your bathroom.

2. Terrariums

Terrariums are a great option for succulents and other low-maintenance plants. These mini ecosystems can be placed on shelves or hung from the ceiling, adding a touch of nature to your bathroom. Plus, the glass container allows for easy viewing and maintenance.

3. Plant Stands

Elevate your plants with a stylish plant stand. These come in a variety of designs, from sleek and modern to rustic and bohemian. Not only do they add height and interest to your bathroom decor, but they also help keep your plants off the damp bathroom floor.

4. Window Clings

If you want to add a pop of greenery without actually placing plants in your bathroom, consider using window clings. These decals come in various shapes and sizes, mimicking the appearance of plants on your window. They are a great option for bathrooms that don’t get a lot of natural light, or for those who want a low-maintenance option.

5. Hanging Baskets

If you have high ceilings in your bathroom, take advantage of the vertical space with hanging baskets. These can be filled with trailing plants such as ivy or ferns, adding a lush and airy feel to your bathroom.

No matter which display option you choose, make sure to group plants with similar light and moisture requirements together. This will ensure that they thrive and continue to add a vibrant touch to your bathroom decor.

Final Thoughts on Transforming Your Windowless Bathroom with Houseplants

Transforming your windowless bathroom into an indoor jungle is not only an aesthetic upgrade but also a health benefit. With the best houseplants for bathrooms without windows, you can create a peaceful and calming environment where you can relax and breathe easier.

Remember that when selecting houseplants for your windowless bathroom, you need to consider the factors that affect plant growth, such as light, humidity, and temperature. Choose low-light, air-purifying, moisture-loving, and low maintenance plants that can withstand the unique conditions of a bathroom without windows.

Whether you choose to hang your plants or place them on shelves or countertops, be creative with your display to add a touch of charm to your bathroom decor. Mix and match different textures, colors, and sizes of plants to create a unique and harmonious display.

Finally, caring for your houseplants in a windowless bathroom requires some extra attention. Regularly check the soil moisture, fertilize as necessary, and prune dead leaves or stems. With proper care, your houseplants will thrive and add a breath of fresh air to your bathroom for years to come.

Join us in the Windowless Bathroom Plant Revolution

We hope this article has inspired you to join us in the windowless bathroom plant revolution. By incorporating these low light houseplants into your bathroom decor, you can create a healthy and harmonious environment that you will love spending time in.

What are your favorite houseplants for bathrooms without windows? Do you have any tips for caring for houseplants in a windowless bathroom? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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