Do you and your family like sports? Try some cardio exercises that are easy to do at home.
Cardio exercise has more benefits than just weight loss.
This exercise can help pump the heart and circulate blood so that the heart and lungs are more robust and increase bone density.
Based on a journal in the Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight shows that people who cycle experience a significant increase in the production of the hormone FGF21, which offers many positive effects on a person’s metabolism, the process by which our bodies convert food into energy.
Doing cardio exercises that are easy to do at home is an attractive choice because it offers convenience and saves more money and time.
Even with some creativity, we can already do practical cardio exercises to tone muscles and burn calories.
Types of Cardio Exercises That Are Easy to Do
Below are some cardio exercises that you can follow. Let’s try!
1. Jump Rope
Jumping rope is a cardio exercise that is easy to do and can burn around 220 calories in 20 minutes. We also don’t need to spend much money, don’t require special skills, and can be done anywhere and anytime.
You only need to prepare a rope to jump rope. Remember, don’t jump too high. Try to go through the string.
2. Jog
Jogging is easy to do, simple, and can be done anywhere. This easy-to-do cardio exercise increases your heart rate and is a great way to warm up to more intense workouts.
3. Burpees
Burpee is a full-body exercise that is intense and can burn a lot of calories. Burpee is a suitable type of cardio exercise because it can burn 100 or more calories in 10 minutes. Burpees can be done by squatting on the floor, jumping from your feet to a plank position, jumping forward and backward, and standing up and sitting down.
To do this, you only need to prepare a pair of shoes when exercising with this type of cardio exercise.
4. Squat Jumps
This easy-to-do cardio exercise trains muscle strength, especially the leg muscles. Squats are performed with the initial position of the body standing and feet slightly apart.
Then, put your hands behind your head, and jump a little by landing in a half-squat position until your knees bend.
This sport requires strong joints. Make sure as you make this move. You land gently on the floor to protect your joints.
5. Kickboxing
This sport includes movements that hit, kick, and various similar activities. Kickboxing can burn over 100 calories in 10 minutes at the right intensity and requires no equipment.
6. Jumping Jacks
Another cardio exercise is jumping jacks. Like burpees, jumping jacks for 10 minutes straight can burn about 100 calories.
You can also easily integrate jumping jacks into other exercises, such as burpees, jump rope, and squats.
No equipment is required, so you can do jumping jacks anywhere at any time.
7. Dancing
Want to have fun with your cardio workouts at home? You can immediately turn on the music and the dance.
Anything that gets our heart pumping works our cardiovascular system, and specific dance moves also help build muscle.
Be sure to have comfortable sports leggings for easy movement. You can see examples of dance exercises on YouTube if you want a more structured lesson.
8. Up and Down Stairs
A cardio exercise you can quickly do at home is running on stairs, as long as you have a few stairs at home or nearby.
Stair training will help you build strength and power in your lower body and increase your heart rate.
Challenge yourself with mini intervals by alternating between regular stair runs and side runs to burn more calories after your workout.
Make sure you have supportive running shoes so you can do some of the stair exercises more comfortably.
9. Running in Place
You don’t need to go outside or use a treadmill to reap the benefits of running. Just running in place can provide many of the same benefits.
Of course, running in place for a long time may be boring.
That’s why most people combine jogging in place with other exercises, such as burpees, jumping rope, or strength training, for a complete workout.
For an excellent workout program, including multiple rounds of some exercises above for a 20-30 minute session that will also burn fat and build muscle.
10. Interval Training
Interval training is any exercise that causes your heart rate to increase and decrease repeatedly.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT), static cycling, or doing a treadmill are adequate for losing weight.
“The more muscles that are moved, the more calories you will burn because these muscles need the energy to work,” says Holly Rilinger, a sports trainer from New York.
11. Weightlifting Exercises
Weight or weight training can be your choice to burn fat while increasing muscle mass.
Lifting weights has been shown to increase your resting metabolic rate, which means your body burns more calories even when you’re not exercising.
The most important thing is to adjust the type of free exercise to one’s abilities and, if necessary, do this sport under the supervision of a trainer.
12. Yoga
Yoga is good for weight loss, makes the body more flexible, and trains body balance.
Not only that, yoga turns out to help maintain our mental health, you know!
13. Swim
Don’t you like sports that sweat a lot? Well, try to swim regularly.
Swimming is also the best type of cardio for weight loss. When swimming, all the muscles in the body movements so that it can also train muscle strength.
Benefits of Cardio Exercise
People do many things to achieve their ideal body weight, with the aim that the body is always healthy and protected from all diseases, and of course, increases self-confidence.
The key is consistency in living a healthy lifestyle and exercising regularly.
“The thing that needs to be agreed upon and the most important thing is intensity. When the power increases, more calories are burned.
High-intensity interval training is a good choice for burning fat and gaining muscle mass,” says Chris Ryan, physical trainer and founder of Chris Ryan Fitness, and author of Chris Ryan’s SAS Fitness Book, New York, launching from Cleveland Clinic.
Some of the benefits of cardio exercise include:
1. Improves Heart Health and Lowers the Risk of Cancer, Osteoporosis, and Depression
According to the American Heart Association, at least 30 minutes a day doing weekly physical activity can feel the benefits.
In addition, according to a journal from the International Journal of General Medicine, it is revealed that routinely doing types of cardio sports such as swimming, jogging, cycling, and others are beneficial for health.
This sport can improve heart health, prevent obesity, and reduce the risk of developing several diseases, such as cancer and osteoporosis, to mental illnesses, such as depression.
Of course, this will increase the quality of life.
2. Improve Sexual Function
Did you know that physical activity from several types of cardio above can help sexual function?
Its proper regular cardio can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction in men and increase women’s arousal.
One study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine reports that active cardio exercise can improve erectile function and is a protective factor against erectile disorders, such as erectile dysfunction in men.
In addition, another study published in the Sexual Medicine Review found that the psychological health benefits of exercise in women can improve their sexual well-being.
3. Gives Energy and Makes Sleep Better
Physical exercise helps increase energy by releasing endorphins, giving the body more power to last the day.
In addition to increasing energy, doing cardio also helps a person to sleep faster and more soundly.
“Be sure to avoid doing strenuous exercise too close to bedtime,” says Erik Van Iterson, Ph.D., MS., a clinical exercise physiologist United States.
4. Good for Skin Health
Active exercise in various forms can increase blood circulation, which triggers an increase in the quality of the skin to be cleaner and healthier.
A study in the Journal of Dermatology Reports also explains that exercise increases the skin’s ability to retain moisture and can prevent skin problems.
There you have some cardio exercises that are easy even at home. So, take the time to do various cardio sports. Come on!